I’m sure you all know you can make money from your videos you upload by turning on the monetization on. Monetization process is very simple.
UPDATE (May 2017)
On May 2017, Youtube has changed its policy on monetization. They made it bit difficult.
In order to qualify to monetize your Youtube channel, you have to have over 10,000 views. Once you have over 10,000 views, Youtube will review your application to make sure your channel activity adheres to the YouTube Partner Program policies and guidelines. We’ll let you know as soon as the process is complete. Review process are taking longer than before. Until then, you just have to wait until they approve your channel.
1. Sign up with Google Adsense
Before you can monetize your video, you need an account setup with Google Adsense. Google Adsense is an advertising placement service by Google. The program is designed for website publishers who want to display targeted text, video or image advertisements on website pages and earn money when site visitors view or click the ads. Youtube is closely link to Google Adsense and if you want to get paid by Youtube, you need to create an account with them. But don’t worry, it is free to sign up. When you signup, use the same email address you used to signup your Youtube channel. After you signup, your Youtube channel will be link automatically using your email.
2. Enable Monetization
Log in to you Youtube channel. In the top right, select your account icon and go to Creator Studio.
In the left CREATOR STUDIO menu, select Channel. Under channel click on Status and features.
Look for Monetizaition box. If you status is Eligible, ENABLE button should be there. Click on the ENABLE to enable the monetization.
If you are not eligible, you won’t see ENABLE button. If that is the case, you have to find out why you are not eligible. Usually, Youtube will tell you why you are not eligible so you can take proper action.
Following example, Monetization is ineligible because country location is not setup. It give you opportunity to setup your country location by link on the link.
Most likely, if you setting up for the first time, you have to go through setup process before you can enable the monetization. Setup process is under ADVANCED. Also this is where you link to your Google Adsense account.
Go to ADVANCED under CHANNEL to go through setup process.
Under Account Information, go through it and complete the setup. But pay attention to select the origin of Country.
Just make note of that Adwords is different from Adsense. You use AdWords if you want to advertise using Youtube. Since you are not going to advertise, you can skip “AdWords account linking”.
3. Monetize each video
Once the Monetization is enabled, you have option to monetize each video. Under Monetization tab, you have different options to monetize. You can experiment with different setting and see what works best for you.
Just be aware that just enabling monetization won’t make you any money. Your videos have to have lots of views in order to see any result. Obviously, more videos yo have, better chance of you making more money. Be aware of that some videos are more likely to bring more money than others. It is all about the content of the video.
Wooooow ..